240-328-4802 240-712-9002
Maryland is an Employment First State

Flexible Supports which helps persons served to identify career and employment interest to find and keep a job.

Enriching Lives LLC believes all people with disabilities can be employed while learning to be independent and responsible. Our agency believes independence allows persons served to have more control over their lives. It is equally important that people utilize employment services to build social skills, gain new marketable skills, and exposure in learning new things. Enriching Lives LLC will offer Discovery, Job Development, Ongoing Job Support, Follow Along Support, Self-Employment Supports, Co-Worker Employment Support, and Supported Employment Services. Enriching Lives LLC will offer this service utilizing based on the person’s support needs.

Employment First is a framework for systems change that is centered on the premise that all citizens, including individuals with significant disabilities, are capable of full participation in integrated employment and community life.

Employment First initiatives are about raising expectations of individuals, families, state agencies, and service providers and implementing better employment practices for people with disabilities.

Enriching Lives LLC is dedicated to assisting and encouraging each person served that is interested in meaningful employment the opportunity to pursue such interest. Each persons served will have the opportunity to explore employment options that are of interest to them. The persons served will increase their current skill set, learn new skills, as well as gain an understanding on how to secure and maintain competitive employment.

happy kid with his father